Sensors and Probes

Sensors and Probes

Sensors are keys to detecting, responding and providing the most accurate information on for you on temperature, humidity and more  

Sensors and Probes

How Sensors Work

Sensor is a device that can be used alone or with augment Facility Management Systems to detect and response to types of input from the physical environment. They can provide output regarding temperature, humidity, light, and many other factors. This output can be read at the local sensor or consolidated by the Facility Management System to help identify opportunities for operational improvement.

How Sensors Work

Sensors and Probes

Pressure Transducers

The silicon sensor is assembled in a waterproof steel housing filled with oil that optimizes stable & constant measurement with additional protection against vibrations and corrosive gases.

Ratio Metric Pressure Transducer

Ideal for heavy-duty HVAC & refrigeration applications where long-term reliability is required.

Temperature Probe

Ideal for residential and industrial conditioning working with iPRO controllers. They are fundamental device to manage comfort of ambient air in any space.

Temperature and Humidity Probe

The possibility of obtaining temperature or both temperature & relative humidity in any space. 

Humidity and Dew Point Sensors 

A variety of dew points and relative humidity sensors for both indoor and outdoor applications.

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